Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Business Intelligence challenges

                Large and Changing Data Volumes.

                Different Requirements

                Ineffective Tools

 Large and Changing Data Volumes.

First off, for your large and changing data volumes. The amount of data that you are going to be working with is going to be tremendous. And that data might not be nice and neatly packed into one data source. It might actually be spread across multiple systems, or it might be a combination of systems and files, which we have to work with. And not only that, the information that is going to be populated in this data warehouse or these data sources, never do stop. You are constantly gathering information associated with your environment. And so, the amount of information that you are going to have to sift through is going to be tremendous. And so, the data has to be organized in such a way that it allows you to able to search these multiple data sources or to be able to get through these large amounts of data in order to be able to get to the answers for which you are asking.

 Different Requirements

Second challenge is, depending on who is asking the questions associated with the data, will determine what that data actually needs to look like, when it comes back from your data source. So, perhaps as a lower-level employee in the organization, I might need to know the lowest level of detail that is necessary in order for me to be able to do my job. But, my friend Sally, she is a Manager. She is not really concerned with the details. She may need to see only the summary-related information for which she support from a regional or a district level. And so, the data has to be set up in such a way that it supports the detail information that, perhaps, I may need to be able to fill my role, but also the summary-related information that executives or those that do not need the details, need to also be able to see, in order for them to be successful in their particular roles.

Ineffective Tools

Third challenge is the tool sets that you are actually using. Now, there are a lot of different tools that you can use from a business intelligence standpoint.  And a lot of them have a lot of different requirements that are placed on then in order for you to be able to get data. So, for example, you may have to know a whole lot of SQL in order to be able to get to the reports or create the reports that you need in order to be able to get to the data. You might also be limited to one single data source, consolidating all of that information into one big vast environment before you can actually create some of the reports that you are actually looking at. So, the tools that you may be forced to use, might often be static or fixed. They are not adhoc, and they do not allow for a whole lot of interaction.

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